LLNL’s HED Science Center Facilitates Collaborations with Researchers from Japan

LLNL scientist Tadashi Ogitsu collaborated with a graduate student from Osaka University in Japan on research regarding laser-driven magnetic fields.
LLNL’s High Energy Density (HED) Science Center continues to foster a broad range of collaborative efforts with researchers and students from Japan. For example, the HED Science Center co-organized a workshop regarding U.S.–Japan collaborations in HED science. The two-day event was held in January 2019 at the Japanese Embassy and the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace in Washington, DC.
During the workshop, scientists from Japan and the United States explored areas for potential collaboration, including extreme material science, laser fusion, laboratory astrophysics, and particle acceleration.
Additionally, the Center has facilitated opportunities for students at academic institutions in Japan to participate in research at LLNL. For example, a graduate student from Osaka University worked with LLNL’s Tadashi Ogitsu and John Moody on research regarding laser-driven magnetic fields.