
The High Energy Density Science (HEDS) Center at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) facilitates connections across the research community, accelerating efforts to establish new collaborations where experts can share their knowledge, and early-career investigators can receive the mentoring they need to be ready to solve tomorrow’s problems and shape the future of HEDS.


  • Frank Graziani

Another key benefit of these collaborations is providing the research community with access to LLNL’s world-class experimental facilities, including our powerful lasers and high-performance computers. By fostering access to these resources, we provide a venue for early-career scientists to gain hands-on experience using sophisticated experimental tools, while also sparking ideas regarding future enhancements to experimental resources.

Research Consortia

LLNL’s HEDS Center plays an active role in several research consortia that were formed to jointly address specific research challenges in HEDS. These multi-year, multi-institution efforts include:

International Engagement

LLNL’s HEDS Center fosters collaborations with institutions outside the United States, connecting experts from across the globe, who share knowledge and resources to accelerate solutions in fusion science, laser technology, and other shared challenges in HEDS.