LLNL’s HED Science Center Collaborates with APS Bridge Program
On December 11, 2018, LLNL hosted a visit from Ted Hodapp, senior advisor to the U.S. Department of Education for the American Physical Society (APS) and leader of the APS Bridge Program, which aims to increase the number of individuals from underrepresented groups who hold physics degrees.
As HED science is one of LLNL’s core missions and an essential research area for the Laboratory’s future workforce, HEDS Center representatives met with Hodapp to explore areas of collaboration between the Center and the APS Bridge Program.
The HEDS Center hosted Bridge Program students in 2018 and plans to host additional students in the summer of 2019.
Dec. 1, 2018
Center for High Energy Density Science
Physical and Life Sciences
High-Energy-Density ScienceCenter for High Energy Density Science
Physical and Life Sciences