LLNL Partners with UC San Diego and Other Institutions to Form an NNSA Center of Excellence

Students will be able to conduct research at LLNL regarding matter under extreme conditions as part of a new NNSA Center of Excellence.
LLNL will be part of a new National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) Center of Excellence, which will be managed by the University of California (UC) San Diego. With funding provided by NNSA, the Center for Matter under Extreme Conditions (CMEC) will facilitate interaction between national lab scientists and university leaders and provide opportunities for students to conduct research at partnering institutions, including LLNL.
Other collaborators include Sandia National Laboratories, Los Alamos National Laboratory, the SLAC National Accelerator, the University of Chicago, Florida A&M University, General Atomics, and three other UC campuses—Berkeley, Davis, and Los Angeles.
Through CMEC programs, students will be able to spend up to 10 weeks at a partnering national lab. They will have the opportunity to conduct research on energy transport, material properties, shock propagation, and energy transport in magnetized HED systems. LLNL’s HED Science Center will coordinate the Laboratory’s involvement in CMEC initiatives.