LLNL’s Academic Collaboration Team Focuses on Strategic Partnerships
The High Energy Density (HED) Science Center at LLNL participates in the Laboratory’s Academic Collaboration Team (ACT), established in early 2018, which also includes LLNL’s Inertial Confinement Fusion and Weapon Physics Design programs. The goal of this multidisciplinary team is to advance LLNL’s strategic partnerships with universities, and the HEDS Center contributes to the team by addressing HED science needs.
According to physicist Rose McCallen, who coordinates ACT, the team is a focal point for setting strategic priorities for academic collaborations, establishing connections with universities, assisting investigators in identifying collaborators and funding opportunities, and mentoring investigators to ensure projects are successful.
ACT members promote collaborative projects that foster innovation and support research. Other collaborating programs at LLNL include the HED Physics summer student program, led by Britton Olson, and LLNL’s Weapons Simulation and Computing Research Coordination Council, led by J. Rob Neely.
High-Energy-Density ScienceCenter for High Energy Density Science
Physical and Life Sciences