

Hydrocarbons in the deep earth

LIVERMORE, Calif. -- A new computational study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences reveals how hydrocarbons may be formed from methane in deep Earth at extreme pressures and temperatures. The thermodynamic and kinetic properties of hydrocarbons at high pressures and temperatures are important for understanding carbon reservoirs and fluxes in…

Unclassified computing scales to new heights

Unclassified high performance computing at the Laboratory will scale new heights with the recent installation of Sierra, a Dell supercomputing system.Clocking in at a peak speed of 261 teraFLOP/s (trillion floating operation per second), Sierra will become the most powerful high performance computing (HPC) resource available for unclassified research at LLNL. The new…

Dona Crawford, Lab's computation leader, named to Alameda County Women's Hall of Fame

Dona Crawford, the associate director of Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory’s Computation Directorate, has been named to the Alameda County Women’s Hall of Fame as Outstanding Woman of the Year. Crawford will receive her award, along with eight other winners, on Saturday, March 26, during a special ceremony at the Oakland City Center.Crawford, who is receiving her…