

Lawrence Livermore scientists discover new materials to capture methane

Scientists at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) and UC Berkeley and have discovered new materials to capture methane, the second highest concentration greenhouse gas emitted into the atmosphere. Methane is a substantial driver of global climate change, contributing 30 percent of current net climate warming. Concern over methane is mounting, due to leaks…

LLNL leads new initiative to improve lithium-ion batteries

A Lawrence Livermore team is working to improve lithium-ion battery performance, lifetime, and safety.Working with Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL), the scientists are developing a new methodology for performing first-principles quantum molecular dynamics (QMD) simulations at an unprecedented scale to understand key aspects of the chemistry and dynamics in…

Lab sustainability efforts move toward solar energy: DOE issues call for proposals

The Laboratory is planning to establish and use an onsite solar electrical-generation system that not only will provide a clean, renewable source of onsite energy, but an additional capability for LLNL energy research and development efforts. This move toward solar energy will enhance the Lab's sustainability initiatives and performance, with a focus on renewable energy…

Tribal Clean Energy Resource members visit LLNL

Advisory board members from the newly created Tribal Clean Energy Resource Center (TCERC) visited the Laboratory last week. Lead by Hopi Chairman LeRoy Shingoitewa and William Cornelius, Oneida Tribe of Indians of Wisconsin, the TCERC members got a firsthand tour of the Laboratory. The TCERC board members met all week with several hundred tribes at the National Congress…

Lab hosts workshop with research universities to address energy challenges

To lay the foundation for stronger collaborations to address national energy problems, the Laboratory recently invited researchers from leading universities to exchange ideas and mathematical approaches for leveraging high performance computing, and to identify areas for cooperative research. "This exchange of ideas is a great opportunity to build on existing…

The future of power

What is power, and how can the United States effectively project power in the information or cyber age? This was the focus of a recent lecture by Joseph Nye as part of a seminar series on U.S. foreign policy sponsored by the Center for Global Security Research. Nye has had a significant influence, stretching over more than 40 years, on how the U.S. thinks about foreign…

Lawrence Livermore teams with industry to advance energy technologies using high performance computing

LIVERMORE, Calif. -- Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) today announced the selection of six industry projects for the advancement of energy technologies using high performance computing (HPC). Called the "hpc4energy incubator," this pilot program aims to innovate and accelerate the development of energy technology and boost U.S. economic competitiveness in the…

Lab co-sponsors North Dakota energy technology symposium

Tomas Diaz de la Rubia, the Lab's deputy director for Science and Technology, discussed Monday how high performance computer modeling and simulation can accelerate the development of clean energy technologies in a keynote address at North Dakota State University (NDSU) in Fargo, N.D. The Laboratory was a co-sponsor of the "North Dakota Energy Symposium: Using Technology to…

Ten scientists named Distinguished Members of Technical Staff

Ten Laboratory researchers have been named Distinguished Members of Technical Staff (DMTS) for their extraordinary scientific and technical contributions to the Laboratory and its missions as acknowledged by their professional peers and the larger community. Jim Candy of the Engineering Directorate, John Castor of the Weapons and Complex Integration Principal Directorate,…

Media advisory: 'Get to Know Your National Labs' seminar

WHO: Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory and Sandia National Laboratories/California, in partnership with the City of Livermore and the i-GATE Innovation Hub, are presenting a new business networking series called "Get to Know Your National Labs."Both Livermore-based national laboratories are seeking to create opportunities for regional businesses to leverage the…

Lawrence Livermore and Navajo Nation to partner in energy efforts

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) and the Navajo Nation have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to further mutual energy collaborations. LLNL and the Navajo Nation plan to collaborate in an array of areas including energy security; carbon sequestration; coal gasification; shale gas; enhanced oil recovery; wind, geothermal and solar; environmental…

Startup company uses LLNL's technology to compete in "America's Next Top Energy Innovator"

WASHINGTON, D.C. - Integrated Dynamic Electron Solutions Inc. is using Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory's technology to compete in the U.S. Department of Energy's "America's Next Top Energy Innovator Challenge," a competition where Americans vote online for the most innovative and promising startup companies that are using technologies from the department's national…

Power generation is blowing in the wind

LIVERMORE, Calif. -- By looking at the stability of the atmosphere, wind farm operators could gain greater insight into the amount of power generated at any given time. Power generated by a wind turbine largely depends on the wind speed. In a wind farm in which the turbines experience the same wind speeds but different shapes, such as turbulence, to the wind profile, a…

Lawrence Livermore receives $1.75 million to integrate more renewable sources into California's energy grid

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) is working with the California Energy Commission to develop ways to increase the amounts of wind and solar generation integrated into California's energy grid.The project will use LLNL's high-resolution weather models and high performance computing to characterize intermittent renewable resources, including wind and solar power…

Jan. 9 deadline for submitting clean energy proposals

Energy businesses that would like to collaborate with Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory teams of experts to advance clean energy technology through high performance computing (HPC) must submit a one page letter of intent by the close of business Monday, Jan. 9. The initial call for proposals was made Oct. 25. This one-year pilot program, called the hpc4energy…

DOE awards LLNL more than $850,000 for geothermal research

The Laboratory has received $890,000 from DOE's Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy to help accelerate geothermal energy technology. The main project, "Stochastic Joint Inversion for Integrated Data Interpretation in Geothermal Exploration," is led by Rob Mellors and colleagues Abe Ramirez, Bill Foxall and Xianjin Yang. The project aims to reduce resource…

Navajo Nation contingent visits Lab for energy discussions and tours

The Navajo Nation Energy Advisory Committee (EAC) made a special visit to the Laboratory last week to look at new technologies and discuss a formal partnership to assist the tribe as the nation put Navajo energy policy in place. Joining the EAC committee members were Navajo Nation President Ben Shelly and first lady Martha Shelly. "We are in need of national laboratory…

Miller touts Lab capabilities as resource for economy

Mechanisms to grow a healthier economy, whether for Livermore, the Tri-Valley and greater Bay Area, the state or nation, were discussed during a special Innovation Forum, as part of the Livermore Chamber of Commerce's Summer Luncheon series. Director George Miller served as one of the panelists, along with John Chen, chairman and CEO of Sybase, Inc.; S. Shariq Yosufzai,…

Laboratory signs agreement with China to develop clean energy technology

The Laboratory has signed an agreement with the Clean Energy Research Institute in China to conduct joint research and development of clean energy technologies. The Clean Energy Research Institute was formed by Huaneng Power International Inc., the largest power company in the world. Under the memorandum of understanding, the Laboratory will create a stronger relationship…

Science & Technology Review focuses on new energy source

The July/August 2011 issue of Science & Technology Review is now online . This issue's feature article, "Igniting Our Energy Future," reports on how Livermore researchers are forging a commercial pathway for a revolutionary power plant called LIFE to help the nation meet the increasing demand for safe, clean and sustainable electricity. A second feature highlight's…