
Lasers and Optical S&T

Fusion Power Associates award for Joe Kilkenny

The Fusion Power Associates (FPA) Board of Directors has selected NIF Scientific Diagnostic Leader Joe Kilkenny to receive a 2016 Leadership Award. The award was presented at the FPA’s 37th Annual Meeting and Symposium on “Fusion Power: An International Venture,” held recently in Washington, D.C.Kilkenny was cited for “the leadership provided for inertial confinement…

Chris Barty named IEEE Fellow

Chris Barty, chief technology officer in Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory’s (LLNL) NIF & Photon Science Directorate, has been named a 2017 fellow of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) for his contributions to ultrahigh-intensity lasers and the advancement of X-ray and gamma-ray science. The IEEE grade of fellow is conferred by the IEEE…

Researchers develop new amplifier that could double the capacity of fiber-optic cables

More than 3.4 billion people are connected to the Internet, placing ever-increasing demand on the telecom industry to provide bigger, better and faster bandwidth to users. Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) researchers have taken an important step in addressing that need by developing a new type of optical fiber amplifier that could potentially double the…

Ibo Matthews elected fellow of Optical Society

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory physicist Manyalibo (Ibo) Matthews has been elected as a fellow of the Optical Society (OSA). He was recognized by OSA for his "outstanding contributions and sustained leadership in the field of high-power laser-induced damage science, laser-material interactions and processing and vibrational spectroscopy-based materials…

LLNL wins three R&D 100 awards

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory researchers have garnered three awards among the top 100 industrial inventions worldwide for 2016. The trade journal R&D Magazine announced the winners of its annual awards, sometimes called the "Oscars of invention," Thursday at the Gaylord Convention Center in Washington, D.C. With this year’s results, the Laboratory has now…

Scientists explore use of 3D printing to speed up target production for testing material strength

Advanced 3D printing promises to redefine manufacturing in critical industries such as aerospace, transportation and defense, and now, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory is exploring the use of 3D printing to achieve unprecedented flexibility in producing "on-demand" targets for testing how materials behave under extreme conditions. Through an additive manufacturing…

Putting one foot in front of the other

In just under the time it would take to fly around the world two times -- 85 hours -- Justin Galbraith ran and hiked more than 200 miles to cross the finish line of the Tahoe 200 Endurance Run. Fighting blisters on every toe, temperatures ranging from the 40s to the 80s and sleeping only three hours, Galbraith completed the course that follows the Tahoe Rim Trail and has…

National Ignition Facility tops 400 shots in FY16

LIVERMORE, California – On Sept. 18, the National Ignition Facility (NIF) performed its 400th experiment of fiscal year (FY) 2016, meeting the year's goal several weeks early. In comparison, the facility completed 356 experiments in FY15 and 191 experiments in FY14. NIF is on track to complete 415 experiments by the end of the fiscal year, more than doubling its FY14…

NPS students work with Lab researchers

U.S. Army Capt. Drake Brewster sees his academic studies and Lab research of today preparing him for his career of tomorrow. A seven-year Army officer who is pursuing a career as a nuclear counterproliferation officer, Brewster is studying for his master’s degree in physics from the Monterey, California-based Naval Postgraduate School (NPS). As part of his studies,…

NIF experiments study how 'starstuff' is made

When the renowned cosmologist Carl Sagan declared that "we are made of starstuff," he wasn’t speaking metaphorically. As Sagan said in the TV series "Cosmos," many of the elements in our bodies - "the nitrogen in our DNA, the calcium in our teeth, the iron in our blood" - were forged in the interiors of stars, in a process called stellar nucleosynthesis (element formation)…

Diagnostic provides top-down view of neutrons

A new diagnostic built on the National Ignition Facility's (NIF) roof is giving researchers a clearer picture of the neutrons released during laser-driven implosions of target capsules containing deuterium or deuterium and tritium (DT).Instruments inside the North Pole neutron Time of Flight (nTOF) enclosure, a structure slightly larger than an industrial shipping…

DOE awards grants to early-career researchers

The Department of Energy on Tuesday named two Lawrence Livermore National Lab scientists among the winners of the prestigious DOE Office of Science’s Early Career Research Program (ECRP) awards, granting them up to $500,000 per year for five years.Félicie Albert, an experimental plasma physicist at the National Ignition Facility and expert in ultrafast X-ray sources and…

Experiments shine light on exotic cosmic rays

The Earth is under constant bombardment by subatomic particles called cosmic rays, including some, known as ultra-high-energy cosmic rays, which pack much more punch than the world’s most powerful particle accelerators. Fortunately, Earth’s atmosphere protects us by dissipating most of that energy before it reaches the ground.But where do these ultrafast cosmic rays come…

New paper examines hydrogen at high pressure

Hydrogen is the most abundant element found in the universe, making up nearly three-quarters of all matter. Despite its prevalence, questions about the element remain.In a new paper published today by Nature Communications, a team of researchers, including scientists from Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL), aims to answer one of those questions – what happens to…

Physicist's laser research wins SPIE honor

Christopher Barty, the chief technology officer for the National Ignition Facility and Photon Science Directorate, has won the 2016 SPIE Harold E. Edgerton Award for his work on ultrafast lasers and laser-based X-ray and gamma ray science."I feel very honored to have won this award and to now be somehow associated with the legacy of ‘Doc’ Edgerton," Barty said.Edgerton was…

Shock compression research shows hexagonal diamond could serve as meteor impact marker

In 1967, a hexagonal form of diamond, later named lonsdaleite, was identified for the first time inside fragments of the Canyon Diablo meteorite, the asteroid that created the Barringer Crater in Arizona.Since then, occurrences of lonsdaleite and nanometer-sized diamonds have been speculated to serve as a marker for meteorite impacts, having also been connected to the…

Lawrence Livermore physicist receives Presidential honor

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) physicist Tammy Ma has been selected for a 2016 Presidential Early Career Award for Science and Engineering (PECASE), one of 106 recipients nationwide and one of 13 from the Department of Energy. The awardees will be honored in a ceremony later this year.Ma was recognized for her "innovation and leadership in quantifying…

Astrophysicist to field questions about NIF shots

University of Oxford graduate student Jena Meinecke has literally prepared for years and traveled around the world for the chance to conduct experiments on the National Ignition Facility (NIF). Meinecke is one of about 600 members of the NIF user community — researchers who are interested in experiments on the world's most energetic laser. Her quest: probe the origins of…

NIF experiments shed light on turbulent mix

Scientists from Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) are leading an experimental campaign on the National Ignition Facility (NIF) designed to further understand turbulent mix models used in both high energy density (HED) and inertial confinement fusion (ICF) experiments. NIF is the only facility with the energy and shot-to-shot reproducibility needed for the experiments…

New research paper highlights visualization of high-energy electrons in fast-ignition targets

Fast ignition (FI) is an alternative approach to conventional inertial confinement fusion that involves separating the compression and heating phases of the implosion, using a more stable compression followed by a short burst of localized heating. By separating these two aspects, the fuel can be compressed isochorically (without a central hotspot), reducing the fuel…