

Machine learning model finds COVID-19 risks for cancer patients

If a cancer patient tests positive for COVID-19, are they more likely to become hospitalized from the disease? That depends on certain risk factors, according to a new study by researchers at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) and the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF), who looked to identify cancer-related risks for poor outcomes from COVID-19…

LLNL team models COVID-19 disease progression and identifies risk factors

A Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) team has developed a comprehensive dynamic model of COVID-19 disease progression in hospitalized patients, finding that risk factors for complications from the disease are dependent on the patient’s disease state. Using a machine learning algorithm on a dataset of electronic health records (EHRs) from more than 1,300…

Two LLNL scientists honored as 2022 Oppenheimer Science and Energy Leadership fellows

The Oppenheimer Science and Energy Leadership Program (OSELP) has selected Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory computer scientist Kathryn Mohror and materials scientist T. Yong Han as 2022 fellows. Established in 2017, OSELP is a distinguished fellowship program that brings together exceptional leaders to explore the complexities, challenges and opportunities facing the…

Unprecedented multiscale model of protein behavior linked to cancer-causing mutations

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) researchers and a multi-institutional team of scientists have developed a highly detailed, machine learning-backed multiscale model revealing the importance of lipids to the signaling dynamics of RAS, a family of proteins whose mutations are linked to numerous cancers. Published by the Proceedings of the National Academy of…

LLNL establishes AI Innovation Incubator to advance artificial intelligence for applied science

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) has established the AI Innovation Incubator (AI3), a collaborative hub aimed at uniting experts in artificial intelligence (AI) from LLNL, industry and academia to advance AI for large-scale scientific and commercial applications. LLNL has entered into a new memoranda of understanding with Google, IBM and NVIDIA, with plans to…

Newly funded HPC4Mfg project targets more energy-efficient steelmaking

A Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL)-led collaboration targeted at using machine learning to reduce defects and carbon emissions in steelmaking is one of eight new projects receiving Department of Energy (DOE) funding through the High Performance Computing for Manufacturing (HPC4Mfg) Program. DOE’s Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE)…

Meet me in St. Louis (virtually or in person): First-ever hybrid Supercomputing conference sports strong Lab flavor

It was a Supercomputing conference like none other before it. For the first time ever, the 2021 International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis (SC21) went hybrid, with dozens of both in-person and virtual workshops, technical paper presentations, panels, tutorials and “birds of a feather” (BOF) sessions. Under the ongoing specter…

LLNL team wins SC21 Reproducibility Advancement Award

A suite developed by a Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) team to simplify evaluation of approximation techniques for scientific applications has won the first-ever Best Reproducibility Advancement Award at the 2021 International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis (SC21). Newly instituted by the conference, the award…

LLNL joins Human Vaccines Project to accelerate vaccine development and understanding of immune response

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) has joined the international Human Vaccines Project (HVP), bringing Lab expertise and computing resources to the consortium to aid development of a universal coronavirus vaccine and improve understanding of immune response. The HVP is a nonprofit, public-private partnership with a mission to decode the human immune system and…

Early access systems at LLNL mark progress toward El Capitan

Though the arrival of the exascale supercomputer El Capitan at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) is still almost two years away, teams of code developers are busy working on predecessor systems to ensure critical applications are ready for Day One. Delivered in February, the “RZNevada” early-access system is providing experts at the National Nuclear Security…

Updated exascale system for earth simulations

A new version of the Energy Exascale Earth System Model (E3SM) is two times faster than its earlier version released in 2018. Earth system models have weather-scale resolution and use advanced computers to simulate aspects of Earth’s variability and anticipate decadal changes that will critically impact the U.S. energy sector in coming years. Version 2 of the Energy…

NNSA taps Dell Technologies to provide expanded computing resources for stockpile stewardship

The Department of Energy’s National Nuclear Security Administration’s (DOE/NNSA’s) Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) announced the awarding of a subcontract to Dell Technologies for additional supercomputing systems to support NNSA’s nuclear deterrent mission. In partnership with Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) and Sandia National Laboratories (SNL), the…

Inaugural industry forum inspires ML community

LLNL held its first-ever Machine Learning for Industry Forum (ML4I) on Aug. 10-12. Co-hosted by the Lab’s High Performance Computing Innovation Center (HPCIC) and Data Science Institute (DSI), the virtual event brought together more than 500 participants from the Department of Energy (DOE) complex, commercial companies, professional societies and academia. Industry…

Lawrence Livermore-led effort one of nine DOE-funded data reduction projects

A Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory-led effort in data compression was one of nine projects recently funded by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) for research aimed at shrinking the amount of data needed to advance scientific discovery. LLNL was among five DOE national laboratories to receive awards totaling $13.7 million for data reduction in scientific applications…

DOE-funded project to advance portability of heterogenous HPC applications

A project involving researchers at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) and national lab and academic collaborators has received U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) funding as part of an effort to adapt scientific software for next-generation high-performance computing (HPC) systems. The project, “ComPort: Rigorous Testing Methods to Safeguard Software Porting,” will…

Simulating nuclear cloud rise anywhere, anytime

For decades, understanding the behavior of a nuclear mushroom cloud was done with careful analysis of observations made during the testing era. Old photos, outdated film and incomplete weather data made precise calculations difficult. Now, with results published in Atmospheric Environment, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) scientists are improving our…

LLNL/ATOM engagement with Purdue introduces students to drug design modeling

Through an engagement with Purdue University’s The Data Mine learning community, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) and Purdue are partnering to speed up drug design using computational tools under the Accelerating Therapeutic Opportunities in Medicine (ATOM) project. Over two recent semesters (fall 2020 and spring 2021), LLNL bioinformatics scientist and ATOM…

Video: Flux – enabling modern supercomputing workflows

This video describes Flux, an open-source software framework that manages and schedules computing workflows to maximize available resources to run applications faster and more efficiently.

ISC21 event calendar

Join LLNL at the virtual ISC High Performance Conference on June 24 through July 2 Lawrence Livermore will participate in the ISC High Performance Conference (ISC21) on June 24 through July 2. The online event brings together the HPC community—from research centers, commercial companies, academia, national laboratories, government agencies, exhibitors, and more—to share…

Secretary of Energy Jennifer M. Granholm virtually visits LLNL

U.S. Secretary of Energy Jennifer M. Granholm virtually visited Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) Friday, June 25, where she met with leading scientists and engineers, toured lab facilities and learned about key research efforts. Granholm, the nation’s 16th Secretary of Energy and only the second woman to lead the Department of Energy (DOE), is conducting…