
HPC, Simulation, and Data Science

HPC4EnergyInnovation initiative opens fall 2022 solicitation

The High-Performance Computing for Energy Innovation (HPC4EI) initiative has opened its fall 2022 solicitation cycle to industry partners interested in collaborating with the Department of Energy (DOE) to address key energy and decarbonization-related challenges. The sponsors of this solicitation are the HPC4Manufacturing (HPC4Mfg) and HPC4Materials (HPC4Mtls) programs,…

Two LLNL-led papers win Test of Time awards at 2022 IEEE VIS conference

Two Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory-led teams received SciVis Test of Time awards at the 2022 IEEE VIS conference on Oct. 18, for papers that have achieved lasting relevancy in the field of scientific visualization. Published in 2008, an LLNL-led paper that — for the first time — allowed Digital Morse Theory to be applied to large scale and three-dimensional data,…

Project co-led at LLNL looks to improve visualization of largescale datasets

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory researchers are starting work on a three-year project aimed at improving methods for visual analysis of large heterogeneous data sets as part of a recent Department of Energy funding opportunity. The joint project, titled “Neural Field Processing for Visual Analysis,” will be led at LLNL by co-principal investigator (PI) Andrew…

LLNL scientists eagerly anticipate El Capitan’s potential impact

While Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory is eagerly awaiting the arrival of its first exascale-class supercomputer, El Capitan, physicists and computer scientists running scientific applications on testbeds for the machine are getting a taste of what to expect. “I'm not exactly sure we’ve wrapped our head around exactly about how much compute power [El Capitan] is…

DOE funds LLNL project to improve differentiation of extreme-scale science applications

A high performance computing (HPC) project led by Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory researchers was one of 22 recently awarded funding by the Department of Energy (DOE) under the 2022 “Exploratory Research for Extreme-Scale Science” (EXPRESS) program. LLNL computational mathematician Tzanio Kolev will serve as principal investigator on the project, which includes LLNL…

The people of stockpile stewardship are the key to LLNL’s success

The last nuclear test, code-named Divider, took place 30 years ago, on Sept. 23, 1992. That year, President Bush declared a temporary moratorium on nuclear testing, which became permanent during the Clinton administration. This ending of the era of nuclear testing was also the beginning of stockpile stewardship. Leaders from the Department of Energy (DOE), and Lawrence…

Scientific discovery for stockpile stewardship

Scientific discovery during the Stockpile Stewardship Program maintains confidence in the nuclear deterrent without testing, brings other benefits The last nuclear test, code-named Divider, took place 30 years ago, on September 23, 1992. That year, President Bush declared a temporary moratorium on nuclear testing, which became permanent during the Clinton administration…

Developing technology to keep the nuclear stockpile safe, secure and reliable

The last nuclear test, code-named Divider, took place 30 years ago, on Sept. 23, 1992. That year, President Bush declared a temporary moratorium on nuclear testing, which became permanent in 1995, during the Clinton administration. This ending of the era of nuclear testing coincided with a Presidential announcement of the beginning of stockpile stewardship. As the decision…

LLNL-led paper reveals spacecraft geometry effects on impact simulations for NASA’s DART Mission

NASA’s Double Asteroid Redirection Test (DART) spacecraft will crash into asteroid Dimorphos on Sept. 26, executing the first asteroid deflection test that has been years in the planning. Dimorphos, at 150 meters across, is the “moonlet” of a binary asteroid system, orbiting the larger companion asteroid, Didymos (800 meters). The momentum of the ~600 kg spacecraft,…

Livermore researchers collect three awards among the top 100 industrial inventions

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) scientists and engineers have garnered three awards among the top 100 industrial inventions worldwide. The trade journal R&D World Magazine recently announced the winners of the awards, often called the “Oscars of invention,” recognizing new commercial products, technologies and materials that are available for sale or…

Manufacturing Day webinar to highlight HPC’s impact on climate change, energy efficiency

The High Performance Computing for Energy Innovation (HPC4EI) initiative will hold a special webinar on Oct. 7 to celebrate Manufacturing Day and provide a forum for industry experts and Department of Energy (DOE) scientists to discuss how HPC can help combat climate change and improve energy efficiency. The virtual event begins at 8 a.m. PDT and brings together panelists…

LLNL and Case Western Reserve University to continue collaboration

The leaders of Case Western Reserve University and Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) to accelerate their efforts in shared areas of excellence. After three years of growing institutional collaboration in such areas as energy, materials science and polymer processing, Case Western Reserve President Eric W. Kaler…

LLNL team claims top AI award at international symbolic regression competition

A Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) team claimed a top prize at an inaugural international symbolic regression competition for an artificial intelligence (AI) framework they developed capable of explaining and interpreting real-life COVID-19 data. Hosted by the open source SRBench project at the 2022 Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO), the…

LLNL joins forces with supercomputing centers in Germany, the UK and the US to form IASC

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) has signed a memorandum of understanding with high performance computing (HPC) facilities in Germany, the United Kingdom and the United States, jointly forming the International Association of Supercomputing Centers (IASC). LLNL and co-founders — the Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC) Hartree Centre, the National…

Lab researchers win top award for machine learning-based approach to ICF experiments

The IEEE Nuclear and Plasma Sciences Society (NPSS) announced a Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) team as the winner of its 2022 Transactions on Plasma Science (TPS) Best Paper Award for their work applying machine learning to inertial confinement fusion (ICF) experiments. In the paper, lead author Kelli Humbird and co-authors propose a novel technique for…

New class of 3D-printed alloys brings more flexibility to super-strong metal parts

Metal 3D printing is used to produce components for many commercial applications, particularly in the transportation sector, where printing methods such as laser powder bed fusion (L-PBF) can produce super-strong and ultralight complex-shaped components that cannot be manufactured with conventional techniques. But while laser-based methods enable the manufacturing of…

Research finds mechanically driven chemistry accelerates reactions in explosives

Scientists at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) Energetic Materials Center and Purdue University Materials Engineering Department used simulations performed on the LLNL supercomputer Quartz to uncover a general mechanism that accelerates chemistry in detonating explosives critical to managing the nation’s nuclear stockpile. Their research is featured in the…

LLNL researchers chart progress in architected materials that respond to external stimuli

Recent advances in pre-programmed architected materials could enable new functions that can evolve in response to their environments or external stimuli, according to Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) researchers. In a paper published by Nature Reviews Materials, LLNL researchers provide an overview of the progress made in responsive architected materials that…

Multi-lab High Performance Storage System collaboration marks 30 years of data storage

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) and the rest of the Department of Energy (DOE) national laboratories produce an astronomical amount of data every year. As the volume of data generated from DOE high performance computing (HPC) continues to reach increasing scales of magnitude and new levels of importance for decision-making, where does all this data go and how…

El Capitan testbed systems rank among top 200 of world’s most powerful computers

As the U.S. welcomed the world’s first “true” exascale supercomputer, three predecessor machines for Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory’s (LLNL) future exascale system El Capitan managed to rank highly on the latest Top500 List of the world’s most powerful supercomputers. Organizers announced the list at the International Supercomputing Conference in Hamburg, Germany…