

All eyes on Laura Forde

A noteworthy member of The Tuolumne Band of Me-Wuk Indians tribe, Laura Forde epitomizes the blending of cultural heritage and contemporary pursuits. Her upbringing was deeply rooted in the rich tapestry of her tribe’s language, traditions and cultural morality, forming an integral part of her life's narrative. This immersion into tribal life fostered a profound connection…

Celebrating African American Heritage Month: Meet two mid-career LLNL employees

In honor of African American Heritage Month, the African American Body of Laboratory Employees (ABLE) and the Office of Strategic Diversity and Inclusion Programs at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory are spotlighting a few early and mid-career employees, specifically focused on the employees' educational background, work at the Lab, perspective on engaging under…

Researcher receives 'Millennial Leader' award

Monica Moya, an early career biomedical engineer researcher in the Materials Engineering Division, was recognized with a Millennial Leader Award at the EmpowHer Institute’s Rising Stars Awards event held last month in Hollywood, California.This prestigious award acknowledges women under 40 who demonstrate promise as future decision-makers, have demonstrated excellence in…

Students enjoy 'phenomenal' day at the Lab

The Laboratory hosted 14 students, ranging in age from middle school to college, from Green Technical Education and Employment (Green Tech) last week for a full day of presentations and tours. Green Tech is a non-profit community-based organization in Sacramento charged with providing middle and high school students and young adults from economically disadvantaged…

DOE video series features Livermore analyst

Suzanne Singer, an energy and thermal fluids analyst at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL), recently became the first LLNL employee to be featured in the Department of Energy’s #WomenInSTEM video series, where she discusses her research and how she is using her knowledge to help Native American tribes with issues pertaining to energy and climate change.As a…

Q&A with Kevin Griffin: Celebrating Black History Month and STEM

In honor of Black History Month, the African-American Body of Laboratory Employees (ABLE) and the Office of Strategic Diversity Programs at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory will be highlighting the accomplishments of several members of our African American employee population. They will share their background and perspective on engaging underrepresented groups in…

LLNL hosts plasma physics summer school

Three students from Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) participated in a two-week plasma physics summer school at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL). The course, "Introduction to the Analysis of Spectra from High-Temperature Plasmas," was a concentrated introduction to the study of astrophysical plasmas, magnetic fusion plasmas and laser…

Summer student Crystal Green awarded $5,000 scholarship from DOE

Crystal Green, a third-year returning summer student from the Operations and Business PAD's Nuclear Operations, has been awarded a $5,000 scholarship from the Department of Energy (DOE) Nuclear Energy University Programs (NEUP) . Through the Integrated University Program (IUP), 37 $5,000 scholarships were awarded to undergraduates for the 2013-2014 school term. The…

Lab teams receive NNSA funding for STEM education in minority partnership

The Lab is one of six Department of Energy (DOE) sites that will receive funding along with 22 Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs), for research areas in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM). The National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) announced in a press release that it has awarded $4 million in grants to eight teams comprised…