- Additive manufacturing
- Advanced membranes
- American Physical Society
- Astrophysics
- Atmospheric, Earth, and Energy
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- Battery materials
- Bay Area Science Festival
- Biofuels sfa
- Biological Accelerator Mass Spectrometry
- Biosciences and Biotechnology
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- Biosecurity & Bioscience
- Biosecurity and Bioforensics Group
- Biosecurity sfa
- Capacitive deionization
- Carbon nanotubes
- Carbonate materials
- Center for Accelerator Mass Spectrometry
- Center for Applied Scientific Computing
- Center for High Energy Density Science
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- Climate science
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- Community gift program
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- Energy flow charts
- EOS and Materials Theory Group
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- Fundamental Science
- Fusion
- Gemini Planet Imager
- Glenn T. Seaborg Institute
- High Energy Density Science
- HOME Campaign
- HPC Innovation Center
- HPC4Mfg
- Hydrogen production
- Hydrogen storage
- Inclusion
- Inertial confinement fusion
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- Jupiter Laser Facility
- Laboratory for Energy Applications for the Future
- Laser Materials
- Lasers
- Lasers and Optical Science Technology
- Livermore Center for Quantum Science
- Livermore Computing
- Livermore Valley Open Campus
- Livermorium
- Machine learning
- Materials Science
- Microbiology and Immunology Group
- Nanocrystal solar cells
- Nanoscience
- NanoSIMS
- National Ignition Facility
- Neural devices
- Neutrinos
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- nEXO
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- npneq
- Nuclear
- Nuclear and Chemical Sciences
- Nuclear and Particle Physics Group
- Nuclear Chemical and Isotopic Science
- Nuclear forensics
- Office of Science
- Outreach
- Oxidation and degradation
- pcmdi
- People
- Periodic table
- Physics
- Planetary Defense
- Postdocs
- Procurement
- Quantum Simulations Group
- Rare-earth elements
- Rubin Observatory
- Science
- Science and Technology Review
- Science on Saturday
- Sequestration
- Soil microbiome sfa
- Solar
- Solar system
- Solid-state batteries
- Space
- Space Science Institute
- Stockpile stewardship
- Students
- Summer Student Spotlight
- Supercapacitors
- Supercomputer
- Supercomputing
- Surface analysis
- Sustainability
- Technology Transfer
- Tours
- Transport system
- Traumatic brain injury
- User Facility
- Veterans
- Viruses
- Water
- Water research
- Weapons
- Women in STEM
- Women's Hall of Fame
- WWW Research Landing Page
- X-ray
Microbiology and Immunology Group
Predicting Combat Wound Recovery
Recent advances in body armor and other battlefield damage control strategies have increased the proportion of survivable blast-related combat injuries. Over the last few decades, treatment of warfighters surviving increasingly severe injuries has created new challenges across the Department of Defense’s Military Health System.
Tackling the COVID-19 Pandemic
Long before the COVID-19 pandemic gripped the globe, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory had been preparing to help the nation contend with biological threats. From its inception, Livermore has focused its scientific and technological expertise on strengthening the security of the United States.
Lawrence Livermore’s popular lecture series goes virtual to cover COVID-19
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory's (LLNL) popular lecture series, "Science on Saturday," is going virtual in 2021 with the theme “Combating COVID-19.” The series, targeted to middle and high school students, runs Saturdays at 10 a.m. Feb. 6 through Feb. 27. Each Saturday will feature a different lecture presented by leading Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory…