Livermore Center for Quantum Science
Quantum computers successfully model particle scattering
Scattering takes place across the universe at large and miniscule scales. Billiard balls clank off each other in bars, the nuclei of atoms collide to power the stars and create heavy elements, and even sound waves deviate from their original trajectory when they hit particles in the air. Understanding such scattering can lead to discoveries about the forces that govern the…
Revolutionizing Quantum Science
In recent years, Lawrence Livermore has increased efforts in quantum information science, a multidisciplinary field aimed at applying the scientific theories underpinning quantum mechanics to problems of extraordinary computational magnitude and precision sensing.
LLNL celebrates National Physics Day
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) is celebrating National Physics Day (April 24) by highlighting just a few of the thousands of physicists that work at the Lab. Physics is a scientific practice that seeks to understand the way the universe behaves by examining properties of matter and energy. Representing a cross-section of the broad scope of focus areas and…
LLNL joins forces with supercomputing centers in Germany, the UK and the US to form IASC
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) has signed a memorandum of understanding with high performance computing (HPC) facilities in Germany, the United Kingdom and the United States, jointly forming the International Association of Supercomputing Centers (IASC). LLNL and co-founders — the Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC) Hartree Centre, the National…
Embracing Risk for Transformational Results
Livermore researcher Sofia Quaglioni leads a project to develop methods for performing complex nuclear calculations on a prototype quantum computer.
New research proves quantum computing errors correlated, ties them to cosmic rays
Research by a Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) physicist and a host of collaborators is shedding new light on one of the major challenges to realizing the promise and potential of quantum computing — error correction. In a new paper published in Nature and co-authored by LLNL physicist Jonathan DuBois, scientists examined quantum computing stability,…
Sterile neutrinos may be portal to the dark side
“Sterile neutrinos” are theoretically predicted new particles that offer an intriguing possibility in the quest for understanding the dark matter in our universe. Unlike the known “active” neutrinos in the Standard Model (SM) of particle physics, these sterile neutrinos do not interact with normal matter as they move through space, making them very difficult to detect. A…
Tuning into Dark Matter
Lawrence Livermore researchers and collaborators are searching for the axion—a low-mass particle that could make up the majority of dark matter.
'Quantum annealer' shows promise in study
An international team of researchers, including Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) physicist Arjun Gambhir, has developed a new algorithm for solving polynomial systems of equations using a type of quantum computer called a "quantum annealer." The team systematically examined how this method scales when facing increasingly difficult mathematical equations, with…
Improving the coherence of superconducting circuits
In an ideal superconducting quantum computer, the underlying quantum bits (qubits) are isolated from the noisy environment with no energy loss to mechanical or vibrational modes. However, in the real world, amorphous materials and material interfaces have defect states that cause qubits to lose their energy through vibrations and interactions with the surrounding…
Livermore Leaps into Quantum Computing
As high-performance computing (HPC) systems evolve, the rate of progress is slowed by the physical limitations and power demands of conventional microchips. To overcome these obstacles, HPC experts currently pursue advances in parallel processing to increase overall performance and reduce energy consumption.
Breaking the Law: Lawrence Livermore, Department of Energy look to shatter Moore's Law through quantum computing
The laws of quantum physics impact daily life in rippling undercurrents few people are aware of, from the batteries in our smartphones to the energy generated from solar panels. As the Department of Energy (DOE) and its national laboratories explore the frontiers of quantum science, such as calculating the energy levels of a single atom or how molecules fit together, more…