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- X-ray
U.S. Navy Admiral Richard W. Mies presented 2023 Foster Medal
In an award ceremony held last month at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL), U.S. Navy Admiral Richard W. Mies was presented with the John S. Foster Jr. Medal for his outstanding contributions to national security, nuclear deterrence, and scientific innovation. The Foster Medal, established in 2015, recognizes individuals who have displayed innovative and…
A different kind of Cyber and Critical Infrastructure Summer Institute
Each year, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) offers students the opportunity to join the Cyber and Critical Infrastructure Summer Institute (CSI) for an internship working on LLNL’s cybersecurity and critical infrastructure projects. “CSI is for both cyber and non-cyber students. It demonstrates to interns that protecting our critical infrastructure and other…
Lab names new Security director
Gregg Cox, who has served with the FBI since 1991, has been named the new Security Organization director for Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL). Lab Director Bill Goldstein made the announcement Thursday; the position is effective Sept. 3. Cox comes from FBI headquarters, where he serves as assistant director of the Critical Incident Response Group, responsible…
Remembering September 11
What has become a solemn Lab tradition, a brief yet poignant ceremony was held Monday near the Superblock to commemorate the lives lost on Sept. 11, 2001 in New York City, the Pentagon, Washington D.C. and Pennsylvania. "Please pray for those who carry on without their loved ones," Chris Holm of the Superblock said during the program's introduction. Lab employee Jennifer…