

HPCwire awards Lab scientists at SC17

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) researchers won big at the 2017 SuperComputing Conference (SC17) in Denver, taking home two HPCwire Editor’s Choice awards for their work in applying high-performance computing (HPC) to solve complex challenges. The publication honored Lab scientists involved in a partnership between the Department of Energy (DOE) national…

Public-private consortium aims to cut preclinical cancer drug discovery from six years to just one

Lawrence Livermore National Lab, Frederick National Laboratory for Cancer Research, GSK and University of California, San Francisco will combine vast data stores, supercomputing and scientific expertise to reinvent discovery process for cancer medicines. SAN FRANCISCO, Oct 27, 2017 -- Scientists from two U.S. national laboratories, industry and academia today launched an…

'Girls Who Code' workshop introduces students to 3D printing, computer-aided design

Granada High School sophomore Sehar Khan wants to be a professional wrestler when she grows up. But if that doesn’t pan out, she has a contingency plan. "Engineering is really fun," Khan said. "You can be creative and you have the freedom and choice to do what you want, and I like that. I want to learn more about different types of engineering pathways; if I can get the…

A quicker, picker upper? Lab researchers eye papermaking improvements through HPC

With the naked eye, a roll of paper towels doesn’t seem too complicated. But look closely enough, and you’ll see it’s made up of layers of fibers with thousands of intricate structures and contact points. These fluffy fibers are squeezed together before they are printed in patterns, and this resulting texture is key to the paper’s performance. For a large paper product…

LLNL project aims to transform electrical grid resiliency with distributed energy resources

In the event of a major earthquake, hurricane or flood, electricity might be lost for days, affecting communications, recovery efforts and people’s lives. Normally, in a large-scale emergency, distributed energy resources (DERs) -- such as the energy produced by solar panels at customers’ homes -- are shut off to protect the greater electrical grid. But a new project…

Lab leads new effort in materials development

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) will be part of a multi-lab effort to apply high-performance computing to U.S.-based industry’s discovery, design and development of materials for severe environments under a new initiative announced today by the Department of Energy (DOE). The High Performance Computing for Materials Program (HPC4Mtls) will connect industry…

New Livermore Lab Foundation supports scientific advancement through philanthropy

The recently launched Livermore Lab Foundation (LLF) represents a new opportunity to support scientific advancement. LLF was formed to generate philanthropic backing of scientific research, technological development and educational outreach activities at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL). LLF is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt charitable organization that can accept…

Prestigious honor for Lab computer scientist

One of the premier computer science conferences in the world recently recognized Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) researcher Edgar A. León and his collaborators Bo Li and Kirk Cameron from Virginia Tech University with the Best Paper award for their modeling work on parallel performance. The technical program co-chairs at the 26th International ACM Symposium…

A friendly game of 'capture the flag,' cyber style

Sporting names like the Indigo Tube Worms, Ultra Violet Sloths and Orange Chicken, teams of student summer interns matched wits against each other and competitors at Los Alamos National Laboratory and San Jose City College in a series of "capture the flag" challenges that tested their knowledge of reverse engineering, code sequencing, steganography and other cybersecurity…

Laboratory looks to expand data science pipeline through internship program

This summer, college students from all over the country are at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory to be mentored by experts in machine learning, deep learning and big data analytics under the newly rechristened Data Science Summer Institute (DSSI) program. Previously known as Data Heroes, the program has expanded to host 24 paid student interns this year, and for the…

National labs, industry partners prepare for new era of computing through Centers of Excellence

The Department of Energy’s drive toward the next generation of supercomputers, "exascale" machines capable of more than a quintillion (1018) calculations per second, isn’t simply to boast about having the fastest processing machines on the planet. At Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) and other DOE national labs, these systems will play a vital role in the…

Graduate students earn awards to work at LLNL

Three graduate students have earned Department of Energy Office of Science Graduate Student Research (SCGSR) Program awards to perform their doctoral dissertation research at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL). The prestigious award helps cover living expenses and travel for 53 students from universities across the nation. Their proposed research projects…

DOE's HPC for Manufacturing Program seeks industry proposals to advance energy tech

The U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE) High Performance Computing for Manufacturing Program, designed to spur the use of national lab supercomputing resources and expertise to advance innovation in energy efficient manufacturing, is seeking a new round of proposals from industry to compete for $3 million. Since its inception, the High Performance Computing for Manufacturing…

HPC4Mfg project aims to reduce costs and time of manufacturing next-gen LED lights

Next-generation light-emitting diode (LED) lamps, similar to the lasers used in Blu-Ray players, can emit brighter, whiter light than conventional LEDs, but they’ve yet to replace them on a large scale because the gallium nitride (GaN) substrate they are built on is expensive and difficult to make. Through a project funded by the Department of Energy’s High Performance…

DOE HPC4Mfg Program funds 13 new projects to improve energy technologies through HPC

A U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) program designed to spur the use of high performance supercomputers to advance U.S. manufacturing is funding 13 new industry projects for a total of $3.9 million. The High Performance Computing for Manufacturing (HPC4Mfg) Program unites the world-class computing resources and expertise of the national laboratories with U.S. manufacturers…

Lab joins efforts to upgrade the nation's grid

As society moves toward an increasingly connected world, keeping the nation’s electrical grid reliable and safe from hackers and other potential security threats has perhaps never been more crucial. To address this challenge, in November 2014 the Department of Energy (DOE) established the Grid Modernization Initiative (GMI), a DOE-wide collaboration that gets funding…

International math society honors Woodward

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory mathematician Carol Woodward became the first Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) employee named as a fellow by the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM), recognizing her for her work in developing mathematical algorithms and software for faster and more accurate simulations of complex physical phenomena…

Lab employees author X-ray imaging book

After three current and former Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) employees and a university professor found a need, they started down the long road to meet it. When the LLNL trio -- physicist Harry Martz, retired engineer Clint Logan and retired computer scientist Dan Schneberk -- and a colleague surveyed scientific books on X-ray imaging, they discovered a…

Lab researchers develop unique model to customize common industrial process

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) researchers have published a precise computer model of a deposition process using electrically charged particles that will provide scientists and engineers with unprecedented insights into the method.The process of electrophoretic deposition (EPD) uses an electric field to drive colloidal particles suspended in a liquid from a…

Kepler, don't give up on the hunt for exomoons

The Kepler spacecraft has been prolific in its search for planets outside our solar system, known as exoplanets, discovering thousands since its launch in 2009. But the hunt for moons orbiting these exoplanets, or exomoons, is vastly more challenging. While no exomoons have been found to date, a new study shows that the search is not futile. Researchers have demonstrated…